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Spare w sig-bord for web DSC_9559Harbor (1)Village from High Head Trail for web DSC_9366By The Beautiful Sea DSC_9177Shed in fogThe Cove for web DSC_8921The Cove for web DSC_8918Church and Guvvie DSC_8803Dormer and Clothesline DSC_8705Marisol on Saul Island w sig-bord DSC_8695Back Bay Lobstering w sig-bord DSC_8616Winter in the Village for web DSC_8444Rolling Down to Prospect for web DSC_8362Sleepy Village DSC_8211_upscaleBig Rock Candy Marsh DSC_8165Flapping ClothesProspect Autumn Sunset for web DSC_7297Mother for web DSC_7332

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