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Barachois for web DSC_5685

Barachois for web DSC_5685

Voila Le Barachois

At the head of Prospect's back bay, the sea and the land slowly intermingle to create a sort of lost world called the barachois. Magic prevailed here because man did not. It's swampy, hard to walk in, hard to build on. Eels once thrived here. Heavy equipment is beginning to fill things in so houses can be built. Yet the space that survives keeps the magic. It's not advertised by billboards or neon lights or shown off by wizards. It's very quiet and you have to be very quiet to hear it. But if you go there and are quiet and do hear it and take your time and hear it a lot, there is little better medicine for the soul.

Maybe none at all.

21 November 2019
Texas Jim
Prospect, Nova Scotia
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:aquatic, atlantic, autumnal, barachois, calm, evergreens, forest, freshwater, grass, intermingling, lagoon, land, meeting, north, ocean, quiet, reflections, saltwater, sea, sea, shallows, tidal, tranquil, water, woods