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Afternoon Delight DSC_8930

Afternoon Delight DSC_8930

Precious Moments Audubon, Noah’s new neighbour, had caught more mackerel than he and his little family could eat, so he offered some to Noah, who said he would accept a fillet or two if he were allowed to help with the cleaning. Audubon said he could chuck the entrails to the gulls. This seemed vaguely, if unconsciously, belittling to Noah, as if he were being judged to be of no more use than that. Nevertheless he smiled and accepted and gave his best Roy Halladay impersonation, wind-up and delivery, and if the seagull missed his offering in the air, he declared it a strike. The afternoon was sunny and calm in the harbour. Offshore a brewing storm was heading for them but there seemed to be no hurry on anyone’s part. Audubon’s hardy wife Abigail had taken a leisurely swim in the chill harbour waters and was lying on the pier on her stomach letting the afternoon light warm her up. Their daughter Alysha, wanting to be like her mother, had also dived in but had come up gasping and raced up the ladder for her towel, which was now wrapped around her so gradually her shivering stopped and she was able to revel in the arousing sense of freshness that even that briefest of dips had afforded her. Noah was aware that he was showing off for Alysha, but he couldn’t help himself. She was pretty and had mischievous eyes and besides she had dared him to also jump in and he had to do something to make up for his disinclination at that particular time to undergo such a shock. He wished Betty were there. He felt uncomfortably influenced by the laughing redhead. Nevertheless all was glory. It was glory was buoying him up and a hundred-fold glory because condensed by the impending storm. It was that glorious, he imagined himself going off like a roman candle and rocketing into the heavens. The crying of the gulls, the rumbling of the storm and Alysha’s hilarity were like a choir from paradise. And yet there was a certain painfulness in his wish that these moments would last forever, and he could not, would not dismiss it. 23 June 2024 Texas JIm Prospect, Nova Scotia
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Canada, Nova, Prospect, Scotia, atlantic, cap, dock, gull, harbor, harbour, hovering, man, north, ocean, resting, sea, sky, stormy, swimmers, with