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My friend tells me I should call them yarns not stories if I want to sound like a local. I don't really care what I sound like. If I'm not a local after 26 years here I never will be. But as a good neighbour I will call this a yarn. Although it is true. Twenty-three years ago I found a plastic dinghy adrift in the ocean with no sign of ownership. That dinghy then served me for a decade before it wore out. I tried fixing it but it's hard to fix plastic. I used to row it through the breakers out the back entrance to Prospect Harbour. Patsy Coolen once told me it scared her to death to see me doing that, as I am taller than that boat is long. Anyway, after many futile efforts to mend what had become a constant leak, I gave the boat away to another neighbour who said he could fix it. It went out of sight out of mind after that. I never saw him in it but didn't feel like asking about it. Then the other day after an emergency docking of my current vessel in the back bay because the ocean had gotten its back up, I came upon the boat where you see it here, apparently once again abandoned. Well, I had to go have a word with it and pat it on its side, and yes forgive me with a tear in my eye because of all the adventures we had been through together when she was the tender for my 37-foot wooden yawl Mojavon on which I sailed up and down the coast. She was Mojito as kind of an endearing joking diminutive on Mojavon, behind which she was so often towed. And there you have it. Farewell Mojito. Bottoms up.

6 September 2021
Texas Jim
Prospect, Nova Scotia
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:abandoned, and, backyard, black, boat, canada, canadian, cloudy, dinghy, draped, fence, flag, grass, monochrome, nova, over, overturned, prospect, scotia, sky, village, white