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Three Scooters

Three Scooters

Three Scooters
Vladis and Ingunn sipped their beers while contemplating through the bar's big plate glass window three scooters parked outside on the sidewalk across the street.
"Let's make some observations," said Ingunn.
"Beer made from glacier water and flavored with thyme reconciles me, at the moment, to this rather miserly affair of being human," Vladis volunteered.
"I meant about our scooters," said Ingunn.
"I think you know what I'm going to say," said Vladis, "so I'll say something else. I'll say the wall behind makes interesting artwork with its patched-up cracks, but as the facade of a posh hotel it's an utter failure."
"You're right. I do know what you want to say. So because I love you madly I'll be your dummy and say it for you. 'Three scooters between us leaves one with no driver, which leads me to question your sanity.'"
Vladis leaned forward and peered into her companion's glacier blue eyes. "You reconcile me too, but I do question your sanity, Angel Face."
"The third scooter is for Trouble."
"I thought we left Trouble behind."
"We did. But I'm renting it for him anyway."
"And where are we going with our very ghostly ghost writer?"
"Nowhere. Wait here."
"Okay," Vladis said when Ingunn was back in their booth. "So, you've rented all three scooters and we're going nowhere."
"That's right," said Ingunn. She emptied her glass and held it up for the bartender to see. "We're going to sit right here and get sloshed like normal humans who have just dodged a bullet. Then we're going over to our utter failure of a posh hotel and call it a day."
"So it's a road not taken that we're offering to the gods," said Vladis.
"Are you having second thoughts?"
"I am. And third ones and fourth ones and fifth ones."
"We knew being human wasn't going to be easy."
"Yes, but what we didn't know was we'd forget why we agreed to being human in the first place."
"I think it happens to them all."
"They do it out of ignorance. We were goddesses. How could we not have known better? We had chariots. Now we're looking at scooters."
They were very drunk when the bartender had a waiter escort them to their failure of a posh hotel across the street. They fell into bed fully clothed and shortly were snoring together. There was a strange almost musical harmony to the snores, as if making divine music were a hard thing to forget.
18 January 2022
Texas Jim
Reykjavik, Iceland
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Iceland, Reykjavik, cracked, green, markings, scooters, sidewalk, street, three, three, wall, windows