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Geoff Ryan in a Big Sea BW DSC_3645

Geoff Ryan in a Big Sea BW DSC_3645

Old School

Fishermen as a "breed" have all but disappeared from the village. The strength, the know-how, the equanimity, mostly gone with the fish that have mostly gone. But now and again an appearance is made. I won't name the fellow because I don't know if he would want it, but he is a young man and he was out today in his late father's aluminum skiff in a pretty rough sea. Not for an emergency or anything but just because he wanted to get to his favorite spot for catching pollock. I was up on the High Head holding onto my hat to keep it from blowing off. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a good sailor standing next to me on the trail who was just as impressed. I have a feeling it was no big deal to our friend in the skiff. I didn't have the best lens for getting the picture, but I got this. Even looking at it now I still feel a wonder I haven't felt for a while. The wooden ships may have left the scene, but there are still iron men.

12 September 2021
Texas Jim
High Head near Prospect, Nova Scotia
Subcategory Detail:Power Boats
Keywords:Head, High, Nova, Prospect, Scotia, and, atlantic, black, boat, hat, man, monochrome, motoring, north, ocean, rough, sea, skiff, vessel, waves, white