All The Stars That Never Were
I listen to a satellite radio station called Sirius and often to a lot of music from the sixties. This while I'm driving. Because often old lyrics pop up that have new meaning for me. Today it was this line from Do You Know the Way to San Jose: "All the stars that never were are parking cars and pumping gas." And that struck me in a new way. "Grant your blessing so that I have no desire for honor and gain" is a line from a Buddhist chant I do most mornings. Because in a sense as we grow up we all go to Hollywood in our minds, and want to be honored and famous. And these are a sort of shackles, because if we achieve them we're stuck there and if we don't we feel defeated, deflated. So for me it's like this: wherever you have come to, you are free from all that. If you just are where you are, as you are, with no expectations but that of just advancing your heart one simple beat after another, and your mind one little opening after another, then your home is a palace, and you are not living in the attic with the ghosts.
18 January 2025
Texas Jim
Prospect, Nova Scotia
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:and, black, boat, church, clouds, cove, dock, fishing, fishing, harbor, harbour, ladder, monochrome, old, reflections, shallows, stage, steeple, white